Victoria Falls is awesome. (Or it was until climate change dried it up.) But Zambia has a large number of other falls worth the time.
In the rainy season, all those walls would be under a torrent of water.
We shared Ngonye Falls with two other people, and were the only overnight campers.
Ngonye Falls viewed from the camp ground river bank.
If not for Victoria Falls, Ngonye Falls would be world famous.
I was asked $200 to rent a motorcycle in town. Lucky. I would have got lost for sure, and the $20-30 we paid for a car was a good investment. Kalambo Falls, Zambia.
Chishimba is one of many notable waterfalls in Zambia.
While it is not Victoria Falls, Chishimab is a pleasant and seldom visited place.
The Zambezi River with the falls in the background.
Bungee jumpers, be my guest.
Mosi-oa-Tunya, “the smoke that thunders” seen from a helicopter.
The launch pad for jet-boating on the Zambezi River, as well as helicopter rides.