THE CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRY I’d probably head back to first, Kyrgyzstan is easier to visit than it is to spell. (The only country with 8 consecutive consonants in its name.)
Visa-free entry, mostly good roads and transport, better food than its neighbours (well, maybe not China/East Turkistan). The World Nomad Games, last held in 2018, showcases the sometimes mad sports of nomad cultures: fighting over a headless sheep corpse on horseback, wrestling on horseback, archery….on horseback? Yep
Lake Issy Kol is stunning blue lake, surrounded by winter pasture and snow capped mountains. South towards Tajikistan are a fair number of 7000m peaks. I like!
BISHKEK: Likable capital with easy access to quality hiking
NOMAD GAMES: Horses, eagles, archers, wrestlers, yerts, & shashlik.
ISSY KOL SOUTH COAST: One incredible market, many incredible peaks.
OSH: Super friendly southern city.